There are many things. To start with, the fact that most Indian parents, and hence their children, believe in shortcuts to success. Everyone is taught how to give the right answers. But no one is taught to ask the right questions. It matters more who answers fast rather than who answers correct. Who get good marks, they don’t care if the student has understood the concept or did he just mug up all the stuff to get the exam clear. When a child says "I want to be a singer " or  " I want to be an artist", the parents only hear "I want to B.E" and make the child study engineering!!!

Recently I came across the news about a school in Delhi whose KG admission for 2018 are closed.  Well the kids, who have not yet born, are already in school. Who is to be blamed here? Parents? People around us? Growing population and competition? 

Today parents care all about what their neighbour think and other think about their child. “Sharma ji ka beta IIT ke liye preparation kar raha hai, tub he kar”, “Sharma ji ke bĂŞte ne 12th ke baad engineering kia, tub he kar.” They don’t care if you don’t want to do engineering.  In other cultures, parents are truly happy knowing their kids are doing what they love. In our culture, parents are happy when their kids are doing what society loves. But with this logic even children should compare their dad with Sharma uncle. Sharma ji ke salary dekho, 7 figure, aur aap ke sirf 6?” “Sharma ji Merc chalate hai, aap nano se aage badhne wale ho nahee”. Driving the children with competition is not going to give any result!

Parents call their neighbour’s son as settled, just because he joined a famous coaching institute. They tell you how important programming language is, even if you are good in History.  The teachers are even worst. First of all they will teach you what is in the book. No extra knowledge is given.
For example
How to teach history: If the syllabus is about Indian freedom struggle, the teacher should do some more research than what is given in textbook. Make some presentations, some video clips from internet, Learn some quotes. And  then, Present the story in front of the students, with strong voice. Create an environment so strong with just the speech and some photos from projector that students should visualize that historic event in their mind. They should get Goosebumps after hearing the History. Because that what history really means. 

But what really happen is far worse. Teacher just read the textbook, or make someone read it.  Because they think you can pass history subject by reading it once. Lack of interest, pressure from parents and teachers, boring methods of teaching may lead to lack of quality education they procure.
English is a language which everybody should learn because it is used globally. To gain proper command on this language, first thing the teacher should teach is confidence. Second is grammar, and then, to speak fluently. Fluency comes by interaction. 

But our teacher doesn’t care about confidence building.  They teach grammar, students may or may not understand that. They won’t ask her to explain again because lack of confidence. Then they will communicate in broken English where people with good command in that language will laugh and that’s it. That guy will never speak in English again. And all he will care about is how to pass in that subject. And that is by attempting questions such as read the paragraph and answer the following. Or read the poem and answer the following.

Biology is taught without labs, same is the situation with physics and chemistry. With this being the situation of science, parents still want their kids to go for medical. 

Chemistry is introduced from eights class in most of the Indian boards. And the first chapter is always about periodic table. Well everything in chemistry start with periodic table of course. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev is the founder of the latest and most correct periodic table. But before him, there were three other who tried to create their version of periodic table. They were  Johann Dobereiner, A.E.Beguyer de Chancourtois and John Newlands. 

The point is, in our syllabus, they have included all the 4 periodic tables. Which means that student have to learn all the four tables, one which is right and other 3 failed attempt. Because of this, students are so confused that they understand none of the four tables and they are screwed with chemistry for their whole life. I don’t understand the need of including the failed attempts of the table. Teach what is right. 

Our education system ask for Birth date of Mahatma Gandhi or Date of execution of Bhagat Singh, or the year of first independence revolution. Ask any 9th grader when was Bhagat Singh executed, he, with taking time less than Google search, will say March 23, 1931, ask him what bhagat singh’s Hunger strike and Lahore conspiracy case, and he will be blank. 

In a proper education system child should be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think. But in India, Child is taught WHAT to think, no matter HOW they think.
In India there are too many coaching centres but very few career counselling centres, causing people to study to get jobs and not to gain knowledge. Literacy and education are different. Every child who went to a school becomes a literate, but the big question is, are they being educated…in the sense, are they learning very basic things, like, are they able to differentiate between good and bad, are they learning manners; are they being creative, independent, etc. The answer would be NO.

Most of the useful things from the books will be out of portion and any which ways no one cares about the knowledge. It’s just about how long your answers are and well can you present them.
You can write a bunch-of-crap in a neat manner and still score good marks. And the same reason is why people buy notes and refuse to study from good books.

Many people don’t know this but in IIT exams- the so called ultimate exam of intelligence, the coaching institute teach the students how to crack the entrance exam. They taught to eliminate wrong answers instead of finding the right answers.

There is nothing like "Studying for Knowledge" in the Indian education system. If something is not in the 'portion', we feel disinterested to study that. If something is there in the portion, we want to study just that. And study in the sense to remember and to be able to write the answer well and get marks, instead of understanding the core concept.

Ever since our childhood, we are taught that failing is a sin. Like literally, people that fail in exams are looked down upon by others and it is our parents that encourage this behaviour. And this stigmatization of failing leads to reduction in the confidence of the person that has failed.
You have interest in botany? Then first learn about C language and VB, may be some database, and let’s add some derivatives. You want to learn about computers? First learn various forms of carbon compounds and remember how many wives Akbar had.  You want to do MCA, better if you have studied biology in your 12th grade.

We can change this.
In Mahabharata, Pandavas and Kauravas went through a mentor-led education. Drona took meticulous care of his students. He not only taught them skill sets, but also provided them opportunities to use the skills in real life [like fighting a war with Drupada] while doing the studies.
Similarly, Indian education system should focus on skill identification tests to find out where the students are good at. Maybe he is really good at design, while someone is really good at writing. Allocate some hour a day of school for students to work on this skill under a mentor.  
Portion should be wisely sorted according to the need of the field. Understanding the concept should be the aim, rather than just passing. Reward creativity, original thinking, research and innovation. Get smarter people to teach. And please, let your child decide for himself whether he wants to be an engineer or doctor or a painter. 

I would love to share my work. I am not into drawings and paintings. I do this when I am bored. Or depressed. 

The art below is known as Zentangle.
  1. Gajmukha

2. Gajraj

3. Mandalas

4. Superman Logo.

5. 3D Origami

6. Glass painting (Tried just once)

7. Stencil Drawing.

8. Fruit Carving.

9. Fish Tank (Artificial Aquascaping)

Thank You :)

  1. Hateful Eight (2016)

Part of the beauty of the film is that its plot is very simple, but its cast of characters is very complex. The bulk of the movie takes place at cabin where eight VERY different people have found themselves trapped together during a massive blizzard.

2. Buried (2010)

One room??? Meh! this movie takes place in one coffin!
Story line: Waking groggy in pitch darkness, Paul Conroy, an American truck driver working in Iraq in 2006, slowly realizes he is trapped inside a wooden coffin, buried alive. With his cigarette lighter, he can see the trap he is in, and he quickly realizes that there's not enough air for him to live long. He finds within the coffin a working cellphone, which allows him contact with the outside world. But the outside world proves not to be very helpful at finding a man buried in a box in the middle of the Iraqi desert. Paul must rely on his best resource.

3. 12 Angry Men (1957)

Story line: The defense and the prosecution have rested and the jury is filing into the jury room to decide if a young man is guilty or innocent of murdering his father. What begins as an open-and-shut case of murder soon becomes a detective story that presents a succession of clues creating doubt, and a mini-drama of each of the jurors' prejudices and preconceptions about the trial, the accused, and each other. Based on the play, all of the action takes place on the stage of the jury room.

4. The man from Earth (2007)

An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the retiring scholar reveals to his colleagues he has a longer and stranger past than they can imagine.        

5. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Storyline: After a simple jewellery heist goes terribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant.

6. The Raid Redemption
So this movie takes place in one building. The best action movie ever made. 
After watching this, every other action movie will feel like torch in front of sun.
Plot: A S.W.A.T. team becomes trapped in a tenement run by a ruthless mobster and his army of killers and thugs.            

The one movie I watched that changed my life the most is Bicycle Thieves (1948)
Directed by: Vittorio De Sica.

One man named Ricci who haunts the job lines day after day to provide for his wife and two children, when suddenly his name is called for a well-paying city job. The only catch is that he needs a bicycle for the job, and he has just pawned his bicycle in order to feed his family. Thus begins `The Bicycle Thief', Vittorio de Sica's gritty study in realism. Ricci and his wife sell the sheets off of their beds to get the bicycle back, only to have the bicycle stolen on his first day on the job. In order to keep the job, he and his young son walk around Rome, desperate to find the thief, and more importantly, the bicycle before his next day of work.

The screenplay is simplistic, provoking and at times brutal, while the cinematography is so magnificently beautiful that it appears as though a soul of a man has been filmed.
I saw this movie from the son's perspective. Bruno adores his dad, Ricci is his hero, he is sure that nothing can go wrong with him when he is with his father.

After his bike is stolen, Ricci is frustrated. Angry with his fate. Bruno still idolizes his dad, but as the search for the bicycle continues he sees his dad in a new light. Frustration, Breakdown, Helplessness and disappointment are not the things a young son expects to see in his father. Ricci and Bruno search for the bicycle everywhere, but couldn’t find it. Moreover the police are no help.

We look to our fathers as protectors and providers, our superman. Dad works hard to keep a roof over our head and food on the table. There are times when he buys nothing for himself, but make sure that our demands are fulfilled. He sacrifice more than he should, just to see us happy. We knew he loved us. We knew he would be there for us.

Ricci is so frustrated that he just say "You live and suffer," to Bruno. "To hell with it! You want a pizza?" and they go in a restaurant, Bruno even allowed to drink a little wine. But the privileged moment is too short-lived, Bruno looks wistfully at a family eating platters of pasta. When Ricci says"To eat like that, you need a million lira a month at least."

It always remind me those days when my father had a bad day or no income at all, still he managed to give me and my brother every thing we asked. We never thought about what he must be going through, does he even have money to pay? can he afford it? But we asked and he gave it.

The hardest thing is to see the father descending the moral ladder in front of their child. When Ricci is convinced that he is not getting the bicycle back, he decides to steal one. Before doing that, Ricci sends Bruno home alone; but Bruno miss the tram and when he is going back to his father, he is shocked to see that his father has stolen a bicycle and trying to escape the angry mob. Ricci is not fast enough to evade and captured by the mob who are now beating him in the middle of the road. While Bruno is finding his way to get inside the crowd and to reach near his father.

The 5 year old kid is trying to stop the mob but its not happening. He is afraid, crying, he cannot see his hero being helpless and being beaten up. There is this scene where Ricci and Bruno look at each other and talk through their eyes, "Dad, they are beating you, and i am not able to stop them", "Its alright son, i am perfectly fine, don't worry, everything will be fine. Go home" .

The last scene when Ricci and Bruno are walking home, Ricci is embarrassed, he is not able to make an eye contact with his son, he thinks that he is a looser. When suddenly Bruno holds his hand, "you are still my hero, and we will overcome this together, don't lose hope dad, I love you".

The connection between the two characters always makes me cry. This movie changed my perspective towards life. I respect my dad more than I ever did. When i was in my teenage, i use to think that my parents are pain in the rear. They are irritating and they don’t know anything. I use to be rude to them, give them back answers. Hell I use to steal money from my dad's wallet. I use to avoid talking to them as i use to find them boring. They were the last in my priority list.
But after this movie, i released that I was wrong. That my parents are the best and I don't deserve them. I was convinced that they deserve better son than me. 

From that day I changed myself completely, its been 8, almost 9 years now from the day I saw this movie for the first time. Never back answered them, never asked or expected anything from them, never. I make sure I give them time, give them love they deserve. I have liberty to do anything, they don't question me. But i still do everything which will make them happy. I regret my behavior when i was a teen, this movie brought me back on tracks. I am sure that not this movie, my life would have been something different and bad. Because the wishlist and idea of fun I had at that time was never gonna get completed with the money my dad had, and i would have been doing something illegal or unethical to cope with them.

We as materialistic and avaricious people tend to not value the possessions that belong to us, and once that we lose them we don't do anything more productive than complaining and to regret our loss. So, better late than never.

The scene from The Godfather where Don Vito Corleone is old, he has passed on his legacy to his son Michael. He is having a discussion with Michael how Berzini is going to assassinate him and how should Michael stay alert.

The emotional bond between a father and his son, where as a father, he is apologizing his son for not being there for him all the time but on the other hand, He, with all his experience, is being the greatest advisor in Michael’s life.

This Is the best conversation in a movie according to me.

In this 3:45 minute scene, Don Vito, who is retired now, is making his son aware that only your family matters. Everything else is fake. People will smile to your face but stab you in the back.
Don Vito asks Michael about his wife and kids, And he is at peace when he learns that Michael is a happy man, and that his grandson is smart and already started reading the funny papers.

But soon Michael realizes that something is bothering his dad. he asks him, to which Vito replies that he never wanted this life for his son. He wanted his son to be in politics, to be the one who holds the strings. Something like Senator or Governor but not a Don. He apologize in his own way.

Don Corleone: Barzini will move against you first. He'll set up a meeting with someone that you absolutely trust...guaranteeing your safety. And at that meeting, you'll be assassinated.
As the Don drinks from a glass of wine as Michael watches him...
I like to drink wine more than I used to anyway, I'm drinking more...
Michael: It's good for you, Pop.
Don Corleone: I don't know. Your wife and your children, are you happy with them?
Michael: Very happy.
Don Corleone: That's good. I hope you don't mind the way I - I keep going over this Barzini business.
Michael: No, not at all.
Don Corleone: It's an old habit. I spent my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, but not men. How's your boy?
Michael: He's good.

Don Corleone: You know, he looks more like you everyday.
 Michael: He's smarter than I am. Three years old, he can read the funny papers.
Don Corleone: Read the funny papers. Hold on, uh, I want you to arrange to have a telephone man check all the calls that go in and out of here, because it could be anyone.
Michael: I did it already, Pop. I took care of that.
Don Corleone: Oh, that's right, I forgot.
Michael: [reaches over, touching Don Corleone] What's the matter? What's bothering you? I'll handle it. I told you I can handle it, I'll handle it.

Don Corleone: I knew that Santino was gonna have to go through all this, and Fredo, well, Fredo was well, but I never - I never wanted this for you. I worked my whole life, I don't apologize, to take care of my family. And I refused to be a fool dancing on a string held by all of those big shots. I don't apologize, that's my life, but I thought that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the strings. Senator Corleone. Governor Corleone. Something.
Michael: Another pezzonovante.
Don Corleone: Well, there wasn't enough time, Michael. Wasn't enough time.
Michael: We'll get there, Pop. We'll get there.
Don Corleone: Uh. [kisses Michael.] Now listen, whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting, he's the traitor. Don't forget that.